Young tiger Jr NTR upcoming film tentatively titled "Oosaravelli" shooting is progressing in Hyderabad presently. Now the latest news is that Oosaravelli story is leaked and this is making rounds on internet. But we are not sure that whether it is the actual story or fake one. But as per the film nagar sources the story line of the movie is almost the same story, which was leaked.
Coming to the main story line NTR witnesses a murder scene. Villain who is murderer will come to kill NTR as he may be the witness for the murder but NTR requests him and says he will not tell to anyone, so the villain leaves NTR and goeas.After few scenes villain will get a news that someone has complained about the murder case for which villain thinks NTR may be the person.
Villain searched for NTR and will hit him on his head with which NTR will be hospitalised.After recovering NTR gets a different type of disease.The disease is he will change into a different character depending on the dream he got last night.
There is a hot movie gossip in the movie industry about Jr NTR upcoming movie Oosaravelli.Oosaravelli story has been leaked but don't no whether the story which is out is original one or just a gossip.
This is just the gossips story in the film nagar.south melodys
Coming to the main story line NTR witnesses a murder scene. Villain who is murderer will come to kill NTR as he may be the witness for the murder but NTR requests him and says he will not tell to anyone, so the villain leaves NTR and goeas.After few scenes villain will get a news that someone has complained about the murder case for which villain thinks NTR may be the person.
Villain searched for NTR and will hit him on his head with which NTR will be hospitalised.After recovering NTR gets a different type of disease.The disease is he will change into a different character depending on the dream he got last night.
There is a hot movie gossip in the movie industry about Jr NTR upcoming movie Oosaravelli.Oosaravelli story has been leaked but don't no whether the story which is out is original one or just a gossip.
This is just the gossips story in the film nagar.south melodys